
Html, Javascript, and CSS matching game for the kiddo.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

#Matching A simple matching game written as a demo for my daughter's class at school.

Check it out

##Supported Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Amazon Silk (Fire 7 HD, Fire 8.9 HD, not Fire 7)


  • Restore previous game
  • New game button?
  • Different Difficulties?
  • break code noise onto a separate branch from the finished js/usable files?


Go take a look. Feel free to fix anything sherzberg posts.


  • The Github Octocat is property of Github, and the usage of the various Octocat images in this game are intended solely for the entertainment of four-year-olds. I'm happy to change the images used upon request.
  • sherzberg for testing.
  • Thanks to David Walsh for a nice tutorial on flipping with CSS.
  • Sprite Cow saved me a lot of time trying to figure out the coordinates for all of the images on my sprite sheet.
  • Pixlr was used to make my sprite sheet and resolve some transparency issues with the source image.
  • Modernizr was used to warn users trying to access with incompatible browsers.

##License For license information, see the License.txt file. License does not extend to image files, which are property of Github, as described above.