
Setup for type tools

Primary LanguageShell


Note: these are currently out of date!

My dotfiles for setting up a new machine.

For setting up a machine, there is initial_setup, with two files.

Then there are an .aliases, .bash_profile, and .functions files that set some defaults (all taken largely from https://github.com/paulirish/dotfiles). symlink-setup.sh will set those up for you.

To use

Download/fork/etc and put the dotfiles folder where ever you want. I put mine in ~/code.


You should read through these before you run them. You should be editing them to fit your needs. Know that sudo is used here a lot. You need to trust what this is doing, so you need to read it.

If you run .type_tools, know that it needs the Java JDK installed for sfntly-py to work. Most of the python libraries are installed as develop so that you can hack on the code and get the changes immediately. You may want to change this to install.

Also, if you run .type_tools, know that it will create a ~/code folder to put everything in. Don't move this folder after doing so. Also, if you have a code folder with some of these things installed, I can only assume that bad things will happen. Be careful.

To run simply type from the dotfiles/initial_setup folder:


You will be asked for your password a couple of times. This is the password to log into your machine.