Simple Project for VRP Solution. University Project IA

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

VRP Project

This project is one of the assignment of my IA course at the university of bologna. The objective is to build a simple program that, through a Genetic Algorithm and/or an Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, find the best solution for a VRP/TSP problem. In addiction i want to explore a little more the functional programming paradigm. That's why the choice of Haskell as programming language.

In this case i used some the instance in the files folder and consider only the distance between the points. In the following there're some intruction for building the project and set it up.

Building and Executing the Project

For the building of this project i suggest the stack tool, it will intall all the haskell requirements and dependecies for this project.

For building, run: stack build from the root of the project. For executing, run: stack exec VRP from the root of the project.

Set the Parameters

If you want to change some of the parameters of the algorithms go to Parameters.hs file and rebuild the project. In particular pay attention to set the right absolute path of the files folder or the project will rise a runtime error. If something in the types is wrong inside the parameter file, the project will not compile.