
📈 Live and historical upvote ratios of subreddits

Primary LanguagePython

Reddit Metrics

What's this?

This repository is dedicated to one of my hobby projects, which focuses on visualising upvote ratios and other metrics for selected subreddits.

Link to the dashboard


How was it built?


The project was developed using the following tools:

  • Python 3.9
  • Docker, Make and Terraform
  • AWS: S3, Lambda, EventBridge and ECR (managed by Terraform)
  • GCP: GCS, BigQuery, and Looker Studio

High Level Architecture


The project utilises Lambda functions deployed as Docker images.

Additionally, SNS is used for email alerting. A separate Lambda function subscribes to CloudWatch logs and forwards any error-containing logs to SNS.

How to deploy and run this?

The following instructions are provided for future reference when fixing or modifying the project.

Environment Variables

Ensure that the following environment variables are set before running the project:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (except if running in AWS)
  • GCP_ACCESS_KEY and GCP_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (to access Google Cloud)
  • MY_EMAIL (for email alerts from SNS)

Run Locally (for testing and development)

Clone the project, create a virtual environment and install dependencies. Example using pyenv:

git clone https://github.com/benkulcsar/reddit-metrics
cd reddit-metrics
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.0 reddit
pyenv activate reddit
pip install .[test|extract|transform]

Run tests (pytest, mypy, etc):

pre-commit run -a

Run the tasks:

python src/extract.py
python src/transform.py -b [BUCKET] -k [KEY]
python src/load.py -b [BUCKET] -k [KEY]


For deployment on AWS, it is necessary to set up Terraform with an S3 backend.

Note: Before deploying for the first time, the ECR repositories must be created. To create them, execute a Terraform apply command, which will eventually fail when attempting to create the Lambdas without the Docker images.

make terraform-init
make deploy-extract
make deploy-transform
make deploy-load

Re-running / Backfilling

Both the transform and load Lambdas can be triggered using a custom test event that specifies a list of objects. This enables re-running or backfilling functionality.

Format of the event:


Alternatively, the same result can be achieved by a series of local runs.


python src/transform.py -b bucket_name -k obj_key1
python src/transform.py -b bucket_name -k obj_key2