
Minimum example of a Dockerised Earth Engine Flask microservice in Python 3.6

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Minimum microservice structure

A Minimum structure featuring:

  • Docker using Slim Debian
  • Python 3.6
  • Earth Engine Python API, and authorisation set-up
  • Flask and Flask_restplus
  • Working skeleton of a Flask App with Swagger UI interface


  1. Ensure you have execution permissions set for the start.sh and entrypoint.sh files:
chown +x start.sh
chown +x entrypoint.sh
  1. Run the start.sh script:
./start.sh develop

The microservice should now be accessible at localhost:8000

Interactive docker session

If you wish to enter the container in interactive mode, identify the CONTAINER ID using docker ps, e.g.:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
ea58c240878c        dockertest_develop   "./entrypoint.sh d..."   19 minutes ago      Up 19 minutes>5000/tcp   dockertest_develop_1

Then use the id to run docker exec:

docker exec -it ea58c240878c bash

Environment variables

  • DEBUG= Boolean
  • PORT= port that flask app will try and run on e.g. 5000
  • EE_USER= Earth Engine user account info
  • EE_PRIVATE_KEY=Earth engine private key from which to generate a PEM
  • EE_AUTH_TYPE=nonlocal (set to local if you want to authenticte via locally stored Earth Engine credentials)