
App Link to Universal Web Link

MIT LicenseMIT

IAnyLink - Convert App Links to Universal Web Links

Many modern apps support app links, allowing users to open specific content directly. However, these links often have a problem: they are not supported by other apps, making it impossible to click and open them quickly. Cross-linking between applications is not as trivial as it may seem.

The IAnyLink project is designed to solve this problem. It can convert app links into regular web links (pretending an universal link)

App Link Web Link
Joplin joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=note_id https://benlau.github.io/l/u/am9wbGluOi8veC1jYWxsYmFj
Obsidian obsidian://open?vault=your_vault&file=YOUR_NOTE https://benlau.github.io/l/u/b2JzaWRpYW46Ly9vcGVuP3ZhdWx
VSCode vscode://file/your-local-file-path https://benlau.github.io/l/u/dnNjb2RlOi8vZmlsZS95
Mailto Link mailto:test@example.com?subject=Testing out mailto! https://benlau.github.io/l/u/bWFpbHRvOnRlc3RAZXhhbXBsZS

Example Usecases

  1. Open a VSCode project in local drive from Joplin / Obsidian / Notion

  2. Add a mailto anchor to Google Docs to send an email to someone with subject mailto:test@example.com?subject=Testing out mailto!

Privacy Policy

The developer will not collect or use your data (converted links).

The site traffic information is

  • Not being sold to third parties
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes