
An online form which validates students' input and convert it into a standardized word document(.docx).

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a simple web application, which can generate a resume (in docx format) by filling in the online form. This application has been uploaded to Heroku as a php app. http://resume-generator.herokuapp.com/

How to run the app in your machine

The php files must be run under a web server (e.g. Apache) that can render php files, typically in htdocs/ or www/ directory. Then go to http://localhost/web/cv_generator (assume your web server listens to port 80).


For the purpose code review, not all lines of codes need to be read. You might simply look at the following files:

  • web/index.php
    • entrance point of the web page
  • web/cv_generator/demo_ms_word.php
    • backend logic to render the
  • web/cv_generator/demo_ms_word.docx
  • web/config/cv_submit_config.php - configuration file

Appealing Feature

  • Validation form
  • Dynamic fields
  • Library to generate word document
  • Highly configurable using

Room for improvement

  • Use MVC for better arhitecture (e.g. Laravel, Codeigniter)
  • Use frontend framework (e.g. Angularjs), and with a better template engine
  • Break down the code into modules