Git extension for Brackets.
Should work on all Brackets platforms (Win, Mac, Linux).
You need to have Node.js installed.
Windows users need to have msysgit installed (recommended is installation with this setting and turning on the "Git can be called from anywhere" option).
Mac users need to have Git for OS X installed.
Linux users simply sudo apt-get install git
You can use Brackets built-in extension registry.
Extension can be configured in "File > Git Settings..." (this window will show the first time after you install the extension).
Pushing to username/password protected remote repositories
Currently possible only if credentials helper like Windows Credential Store for Git is installed.
You'll need to push manually for the first time to setup your username/password into credentials helper.
Try out and see, this README might not be 100% up-to-date. You can see the
for more info on this.
If you won't find the feature you were looking for, feel free to open issues with your ideas.
Some screenshots:
Please see