
Example deployment script for Mac apps using the Sparkle framework

Primary LanguageShell


I use this script to deploy Mac Apps that I deliver direct to the the customer (not via the Mac App Store). This script is heavily customised but shoud suit as a starting point if you looking to automate your deployments.

The script performs the following operations:

  1. Takes the path of the app from the clipboard (I use a script during the build process to set it).
  2. Zips the file.
  3. Signs the zip file for Sparkle.
  4. Builds the AppCast
  5. Creates a deployment script which copies the zip file, AppCast and ReleaseNotes.


  1. Customise the script to you app, local environment and server.
  2. Call the script with ./package-update.sh
  3. Write the release notes and save them.
  4. Call the generated deployment script to transmit the files with ./deploy-update.sh
  5. ???
  6. Profit.


  • Make generic.
  • Support beta releases and test environments.
  • Generate release notes from git log.
  • Automatically tag release with git.
  • Switch to arguments rather than grapping file path from the clipboard.