A neovim plugin for interactively running code with the jupyter kernel. Fork of magma-nvim with improvements in image rendering, performance, and more
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[Bug] <Blinking cursor>
#253 opened by TomasRojoBiran - 1
[Help] How to disable cell highlighting?
#251 opened by Fustigate8933 - 6
Molten CPU usage when doing nothing
#249 opened by medwatt - 6
[Feature Request] Remote JupyterLab support
#215 opened by shurensha - 0
- 5
- 2
[Bug] Images do not show
#247 opened by DJPoland - 4
- 3
Unable to create environment specific Kernels
#238 opened by t-ober - 7
[Bug] Installation error
#232 opened by S1M0N38 - 7
- 2
No access to any of the Molten specific commands (No editor command `MoltenInit`)
#235 opened by t-ober - 2
[Bug] Error initializing Molten with MoltenInit: "Could not initialize kernel named 'python3'"
#233 opened by LuisHernandez2508 - 2
[Help] Notebook is blank upon opening
#231 opened by myrrhkhan - 16
[Help] Same config on Arch Linux not working
#179 opened by hahuang65 - 9
[FIXED] [Bug] kernel does not start
#225 opened by MrMic - 1
[Bug] MoltenEnterOutput failed to switch window
#227 opened by CCLDArjun - 1
[Feature Request] Integration with CopilotChat.nvim
#223 opened by Chuanhuan - 2
[Help] Can't get Notebook setup to work
#222 opened by erezak - 1
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[Help] Annoying "--No lines in buffer--" message
#217 opened by litaxc - 1
[Bug] <Your title here>
#216 opened by eldar - 1
[Bug] Nvim stops working after kernel is set ready
#198 opened by kushb30 - 7
[Feature Request] Add Lua Rocks for rocks.nvim
#180 opened by EmDash00 - 4
[Help] Creating new notebooks?
#213 opened by GitSquared - 3
[Help] Opening output in new buffer
#207 opened by AlejandroGomezFrieiro - 1
[Help] Enter Output Cell
#212 opened by franzscherr - 1
[Help] [bug] How do I open result like pygwalker.
#210 opened by chaozwn - 9
[Help] How to set up Python 3 provider
#175 opened by hrodmn - 2
[Help] What's are the difference between `dccsillag/magma-nvim` and `benlubas/molten-nvim`?
#206 opened by MikeLemo1 - 12
[Help] Looking for a minimal example for quickly and directly Displaying SVG paths in nvim image
#205 opened by MikeLemo1 - 2
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[Help] [Molten] Cell not Found
#204 opened by teimurlu - 3
[Help] Cannot configure Molten
#203 opened by teimurlu - 9
[Bug] assertion error on :MoltenRestart
#194 opened by JJJHolscher - 4
- 2
[Bug] MoltenEnterOutput error pynvim.api.common.NvimError: Invalid key: 'footer'
#192 opened by modestosrc - 2
[Bug] Virtual text wrap for pandas
#191 opened by Lun4m - 0
[Bug] Issue regarding the cell execution if we delete the content of the cell at the end of a file
#188 opened by wisebreadloaf - 3
[Bug] Output Window Shown In The Wrong Window
#185 opened by dvnatanael - 9
[Help] What am I doing wrong?
#173 opened by mesa123123 - 2
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[Help] Molten Not in a Cell / [Quarto It seems that the code runner is not initalized for this buffer
#174 opened by jmrussell - 1
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[Help] Treesitter text objects not loading
#170 opened by slatifi - 4
[Help] Running full blocks
#169 opened by slatifi - 3