
🌇 Netlify functions for taking screenshots of webpages using Puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Netlify Screenshot

Screenshot webpages to render social media cards on-the-fly using Puppeteer; largely based on how Pieter generates shareable pictures for Nomad List, and how I did them for Coworkations with cardserver.

Deploy to Netlify

Coworkations 📄 HTML 🖼️ PNG Hacker Paradise: Cape Town South Africa 📄 HTML 🖼️ PNG
Nomad Cruise VI: Spain To Greece 📄 HTML 🖼️ PNG PACK: Ubud Bali 📄 HTML 🖼️ PNG


After deploying to Netlify and setting BASE_URL the site should be good to go, try visiting https://{site-name}.netlify.app/screenshot for a capture of your homepage.

Any additional path that comes after /screenshot is used in the request to your webserver:

https://{site-name}.netlify.app/screenshot/**/* -> {BASE_URL}/**/*

If you want to change the BASE_URL edit the site's environment variables from Site Settings > Build & deploy > Environment, the value should be the root domain of your website e.g. https://example.com.


Netlify Screenshot performs HTML requests based on PNG requests like so:

🖼 PNG (Netlify request) 📄 HTML (webserver request)
https://stevelacey.netlify.app/screenshot/cards/steve.png https://steve.ly/cards/steve
https://coworkations.netlify.app/screenshot/cards/coworkations.png https://coworkations.com/cards/coworkations
https://coworkations.netlify.app/screenshot/cards/hacker-paradise.png https://coworkations.com/cards/hacker-paradise
https://coworkations.netlify.app/screenshot/cards/pack/ubud-bali-2.png https://coworkations.com/cards/pack/ubud-bali-2

If you want to serve your cards on the same domain as your app, you can route PNG traffic to Netlify via NGINX:

location ~ ^/(cards/.*\.png)$ {
  proxy_pass http://{site-name}.netlify.app/screenshot/$1;

Then your URLs can look something like this:

🖼 PNG (Netlify request) 📄 HTML (webserver request)
https://steve.ly/cards/steve.png https://steve.ly/cards/steve
https://coworkations.com/cards/coworkations.png https://coworkations.com/cards/coworkations
https://coworkations.com/cards/hacker-paradise.png https://coworkations.com/cards/hacker-paradise
https://coworkations.com/cards/pack/ubud-bali-2.png https://coworkations.com/cards/pack/ubud-bali-2


You’ll want meta tags something like these:

<meta itemprop="image" content="https://coworkations.com/cards/coworkations.png">
<meta property="og:image" content="https://coworkations.com/cards/coworkations.png">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="https://coworkations.com/cards/coworkations.png">
