
My Vim and ZSH settings with the plugins I use everyday. Feel free to try them!

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My Vim and ZSH settings with the plugins I use everyday. Feel free to try them!





Manually Instalation


git -C ~/Desktop clone https://github.com/benmaia/Vim.git
cd ~/Desktop/Vim && ./install.sh -y

The ./install.sh will install all the vim plugins, zsh and set zsh as default shell and then reboot the system!


If you want to unistall some plugins you just need to edit the ~/.vimrc file and remove the plugins in there!

The content of the script that will be downloaded and installed is:

  • Update and Upgrade of the system
  • Vim
  • Curl
  • Plug Vim here
  • 42 Header here
  • 42 Norminette V3 here
  • Vim-Norminette here
  • FZF here
  • Vim Fugitive here
  • Tagbar here
  • NERDTree here
  • NERDTree Git here
  • Vim Devicons here
  • Colorscheme Sonokai here
  • NERD Commenter here
  • Vim Airline here
  • Vundle here
  • YouCompleteMe here
  • Python3, mono-complete, golang, nodejs, default-jdk and npm here
  • Nerd Font here
  • Oh-My-Zsh here
  • Git Auto Fetch here


This are some shortcuts to use inside VIM. Feel free to change the shortcuts, but this are some of that come configure and I think they are pretty usefull!

  • CTRL b - Open Nerd Tree
    • SHIFT c - to change root to the selected folder
    • SHIFT u - to go one dir back
    • t - open the file in another tab
    • s - open the file and split the screen verticaly
    • i - open the file and split the screen horizontaly
    • m - opens a menu to add, delete, move, copy, etc a file
    • ? to opens a menu with all the commands possible
  • CTRL arrow key - to move through windows
  • ALT left/right - to move through tabs
  • CTRL t - open a menu with all the functions in the file
  • CTRL l - to close a window
  • CTRL a - to install plugins in plug vim
  • CTRL n - to use norminette
  • :Sub [word] [replace] - it replaces all the [word] in the file to the [replace], case sensitive, and only replace an entire word, and not fractions, ex: :Sub Hello Hi
  • :Git [command] - does evey command git inside vim, check here

Other VIM commands that alreayd com configure that are really usefull, I'm still learning new ones!

  • SHIFT v - select an entire line and you can select more then 1 line
  • CTRL v - selects the place you have your cursor in multiple rows, so you can write once, and appear in all lines selected at the same position
  • vap - selects all the paragraph
  • vaw - selects the word where your cursor is
  • y - yarn or copy
  • yy - yarn or copy the entire line
  • p - paste
  • dd - deletes all the line, and copies it
  • dap - deletes all the paragraph and copies it
  • daw - deletes the word where your cursor is

    Inside FZF Search, the commands are different

  • CTRL f - to open FZF
  • CTRL t - to open the file in a new tab
  • CTRL v - to open a file in vertical split
  • CTRL x - to open a file in horizontal split
  • ENTER - to open on the current window

Like I said, I'm still learning new commands, if you know other ones that are really usefull please tell me, I want to incorporate them!

I also have some alias to be use on TERMINAL in the .zshrc that I use a lot and I think you will to!

  • . - cleans the terminal
  • web [any website] - open that website ex: web github.com/benmaia/Vim
  • google [your question] - opens a google page with your doubt ex: google how to cook
  • github - opens github
  • discord - opens discord
  • slack -opens slack
  • youtube - opens youtube
  • twitch - opens twitch
  • spotify - opens spotify
  • intra - opens 42 intra

The Git Auto Fetch plugin in Oh My Zsh, like the name says, it will fetch the repo you are in, so you'll never run to a git push --force, or problems with repo not being updated, you will still need to git pull tho! Don't forget!

Feel free to add yours, and enjoy it!

Manually Instalation

You will need vim, and curl instaled

If you prefer to install manually, you can go to Plugins and click in the "here" links, that will take you to the original repository of the plugin and have the instructions in how to install and use it!