
Getting Dataset does not have a key 'nodes'

jonimatix opened this issue · 3 comments


I have build a graph network using networkx and it works well as follows:

G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(results.head(100), 'source', 'target', edge_attr=True, create_using = nx.MultiDiGraph)
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, pos = nx.spring_layout(G), alpha = 0.8)

When i then call visualize(G), i get Dataset does not have a key 'nodes'.

Can you help on this please?


Can you post the output you obtain when you call G.nodes? Also, which version of networkx do you use? You can find out by calling

import networkx as nx

okay, I've now remembered that the problem is that we only allow nx.Graph and nx.DiGraph as visualizable network types. If you convert your network to nx.DiGraph, it should work. Is there any particular reason you need nx.MultiDiGraph?

In any way we haven't really caught that error in a proper manner yet so thank you for raising this issue. I'll fix it soon.

Also, I don't remember why we don't allow nx.MultiDiGraph. @ulfaslak , do you? I've just removed the restriction to allow for nx.MultiDiGraph and it worked fine. Is it possible that we wanted to forbid self-loops explicitly? I'm referring to this line:

anyway, it seems to currently work now, so I'm closing this issue