
POST picture back to Python such that it's shown in the Jupyter notebook, if one is used

benmaier opened this issue · 3 comments

@ulfaslak yo, I wrote a function which reproduces the figure in matplotlib. see

I also figured out a way to post the js-created png back to python, but I think it's nicer if we don't display the js-png but recreate the figure in matplotlib. That way, one can actually still do stuff with the figure and possibly save the whole thing as a PDF or what not. What do you think? Display js-png or redrawn matplotlib figure?

Redrawing in matplotlib actually works great. However I have no doubt the posted picture should be available in the API somehow

Sorry for reacting so slowly to this. I think the latter (matplotlib) solution is nicest! Especially because it enables exporting in vector format, which is a serious limitation is using canvas. So this kinda solves two problems at once :D!