
Button Next Doesnt Work

Closed this issue · 1 comments

hi thank you for this library.
i have a question , i'am using multiple view tour
for the need of my project when i called the function navigateToAndWaitFor with tour-step-on-next
i want to call another function for exemple

 <div tour-step="" tour-step-title="" tour-step-content=""
                                                 tour-step-order="3" tour-step-on-
                                                tour-step-on-next=" navigateToAndWaitFor(tour,'/customer/customerDetail','cust');goToCustomer()"></div>

it worked well before i add TourConfigProvider.enableNavigationInterceptors(); on the config

but i must add TourConfigProvider.enableNavigationInterceptors(); what should i do?

Hey @syndra123, navigateToAndWaitFor() is an example that I created for the README, but you can call any function for the onNext hook. Just put goToCustomer() in your handler function.