- 1
Usage Enquiry
#194 opened by mubinahmed - 6
Importing with ES6/Webpack producing error: "WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once."
#175 opened by typhoon2099 - 2
popover placement not working correctly
#191 opened by vinaykevadia - 3
Can't manage to create my first tour
#193 opened by Lysoun - 3
Popup not positioned properly
#184 opened by shalininagar - 5
Popup not properly sized & positioned
#165 opened by truonggiangdao - 17
Element not properly highlighted
#163 opened by thomasledoux1 - 1
- 3
Element does not get highlighted in multi page tour if the location of the element on new page is same as previous step.
#179 opened by nlogicsoftware - 2
Option to make the highlighted area unclickable
#180 opened by nigelsim - 1
- 1
Incompatibility with browserify
#189 opened by muliyul - 1
AngularJs or Angular????
#188 opened by Davinci-Leonardo - 1
Add bounce for useHotkeys
#186 opened by VadimKorobka - 3
Show the current step, don't go to next step unless custom condition met
#178 opened by jigneshchudasama - 3
Unable to block navigation using Tab (keyboard)
#177 opened by ShruVish - 2
How to get tour name
#173 opened by plasensa - 1
Keyboard hotkeys are not debounced, resulting in multiple steps shown at once
#172 opened by dclarke83 - 1
- 1
How to use UI-TOUR with angular 4 and Typescript
#170 opened by Aventrue - 1
Button Next Doesnt Work
#169 opened by syndra123 - 1
Not Organised Tour
#168 opened by wiemKh - 2
Translation Tour
#167 opened by wiemKh - 2
- 6
The backdrop is not working
#164 opened by EdgarM- - 2
Second step in multipage tour cannot be seen
#133 opened by burakkilic - 2
Update Angular dependency version
#162 opened by michelvosje - 0
Disabled next step to manually go to the next step
#160 opened by jrdn91 - 14
TypeError: e is not a constructor
#140 opened by Catrionaa - 17
Can't get first tour step to do anything
#159 opened by jrdn91 - 2
- 1
IE - Steps will not reappear after being hidden
#158 opened by imaGuru - 1
- 3
Help on fade in/out animation
#152 opened by balazsnemeth - 3
- 5
Repositioning after dynamic content rendering
#144 opened by cyt-mn - 1
- 3
- 1
Tour breaks when tour has tour-step-enabled="false" and tour-step-on-next="redirectTo" on it
#145 opened by RusinovAnton - 0
Cannot read property stepId of null upon navigating with ui router to a new state
#148 opened by joel1618 - 2
- 2
- 5
Is possible show all tour at once ?
#142 opened by quocnt - 17
- 6
tour step placement bottom-right don t work
#136 opened by brusand - 2
- 1
tour.on('started') twice after route change
#135 opened by marcoaure - 1
Custom tour-step-popup.html
#134 opened by marcoaure - 6
angular ui tour not working after route change
#132 opened by marcoaure - 2
Example code for demo
#131 opened by daotran