- 1
Marshalling and unmarshalling
#21 opened - 3
Release new version
#18 opened by wirepaq - 0
XeroClient adding create method causes an error
#20 opened by khazamov - 0
build location ?
#19 opened by apps4u - 13
'sbt compile' doesn't build anything
#8 opened by dtbullock - 8
- 3
Invoices not getting through.
#11 opened by rlittin - 0
Not getting Invoices
#15 opened by Shailuc - 5
LineAmountType option gone
#10 opened by jbroberg - 1
NullPointerException in XeroOAuthService
#16 opened by riankruger - 2
Add support for creation of Credit Notes
#4 opened by jbroberg - 3
- 1
Not sure how to create an invoice
#5 opened - 9
Support "gradle compileJava" with Gradle 2.2
#2 opened by dalyc - 1