
A clone of blog look like "medium" the famous web site for articles

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A Medium clone where users can search, read, create and comment articles of their own and others.


Dev-stack used in the app :

Angular 11(with ssr approche "Angular Universal")


Nodejs 12

MongoDB (Atlas MongoDB)

Operations Flow

operation flow

the developpement of this application was emphasized on the frontEnd section over the backend.

Get a demo

Authentication + Articles-CRUD microservice (/backend folder)

npm run dev

Client-Side application (/frontEnd folder) npm run start


Backend application (/backend folder) is managing :

  1. Authentication : responsible for login, signup & checking the validity of connection tokens, password haching image
  2. Articles : reponsible for managing articles, comments and tags

Frontend application (/client folder): represents the application that'll run on the user's browser in partiall(because we use ssr) so you can visualize the UI-components

Frontend application Structure

  • containe 3 module + the main one
  1. authentication : that manage the login & signIn pages and services.
  2. article : that mange allthe aspect related directly with logique of the article in the app
  3. shared : a shared module who simplify the import and contain conponent and and services, that can be reused (simplify scalability)
  • contain 3 main pages
  1. home : where there is the lamding page in witch you can consulte the articles
  2. Signup: to create an account
  3. login: signe-intothe application to performe dynamique action in the app like (crud article)

Backend application Structure

  1. authentification: handles login, signup and token validation(error, success), implement a cookie based token
  2. article crud: menages the cred of the articles, the tags and the comments of a given article

role management

Is assured by the frontend and the backend so the logic is devised between the two applications

Build And deployement

this app is ready to be dockerized

// check docker in the machine

docker info

docker --version

// create an image

docker build -t simple-medium .

// check the images

docker images

// running on Image

docker run -it -p 3080:3080 --name ben-medium-hack angular-node-image

// check the container

docker ps

Upcoming feature

this project was annalysed and developped in under a hurry

  • Separate the backend into two microservises a smart-auth and a crud on
  • add elastic search to search input
  • github pipeline

For any proposition or remarque feel free to make a pull request PR/MR or create an issue

  • you can also send me at benyakoub.pro@gmail.com