Updated to use latest Chartjs 1.0.1-beta2 version
The minified JS file has been modified from the official version to fix issues with Meteor and the latest 1.0.1-beta2 changes.
- Added Chart=this.Chart; at the end of the minified file to fix variable scoping issue (Meteor 0.6+).
- Included section of un-minified chartjs code to minified version to workaround issue 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token =' when js is loaded in browser (tested in Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
- If you find a better solution, please raise a pull request!
On the branch 'test' there is an example of how to use ChartJs with Meteor.
- Meteor
- Meteorite
- Install Meteorite
npm install -g meteorite
- Create Your project
mrt create mynewapp
- Add chartjs
mrt add chartjs