
Add kinetic scrolling functionality to a container using mouse or touch devices, packaged for meteor.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Add kinetic scrolling functionality to a container using mouse or touch devices, packaged for meteor.




This plugin works with jQuery and Zepto


  • ie: 7,8,9
  • firefox: 3.6,4,5
  • chrome: 13
  • safari: 5
  • iOS Safari: 4


Take a look at a demo on http://davetayls.me/jquery.kinetic.

Filtering Clickable elements

If you need to allow events to be passed through the wrapper. For example to allow clicking on a link or an input then you can use filterTarget like so.

    filterTarget: function(target, e){
        if (!/down|start/.test(e.type)){
            return !(/area|a|input/i.test(target.tagName));


cursor          {string}    default: move   Specify the cursor to use on the wrapper
slowdown        {number}    default: 0.9    This option affects the speed at which the scroll slows
x               {string}    default: true   Toggles movement along the x axis
y               {string}    default: true   Toggles movement along the y axis
maxvelocity     {number}    default: 40     This option puts a cap on speed at which the container
                                            can scroll
throttleFPS     {number}    default: 60     This adds throttling to the mouse move events to boost
                                            performance when scrolling
triggerHardware {boolean} false             This adds css to the wrapper which
                                            will trigger iOS to use hardware acceleration

filterTarget    {function(target)}          Return false from this function to
                                            prevent capturing the scroll

movingClass     {object}
    up:         {string}    default: 'kinetic-moving-up'
    down:       {string}    default: 'kinetic-moving-down'
    left:       {string}    default: 'kinetic-moving-left'
    right:      {string}    default: 'kinetic-moving-right'

deceleratingClass {object}
    up:         {string}    default: 'kinetic-decelerating-up'
    down:       {string}    default: 'kinetic-decelerating-down'
    left:       {string}    default: 'kinetic-decelerating-left'
    right:      {string}    default: 'kinetic-decelerating-right'

Listeners:  All listeners are called with:
            - this = the instance of the Kinetic class

moved       {function()}           A function which is called on every move
stopped     {function()}           A function which is called once all
                                           movement has stopped

Methods:    You can call methods by running the kinetic plugin
            on an element which has already been activated.

            eg  $('#wrapper').kinetic(); // activate
                $('#wrapper').kinetic('methodname', options);

start       Start movement in the scroll container at a particular velocity.
            This velocity will not slow until the end method is called.

            The following line scrolls the container left.
            $('#wrapper#).kinetic('start', { velocity: -30 });

            The following line scrolls the container right.
            $('#wrapper#).kinetic('start', { velocity: 30 });

            The following line scrolls the container diagonally.
            $('#wrapper#).kinetic('start', { velocity: -30, velocityY: -10 });

end         Begin slowdown of any scrolling velocity in the container.

stop        Stop the scrolling immediately

detach      Detach listeners and functionality from the wrapper

attach      Re-attach listeners and functionality previously detached using
            the detach method

Add your own methods

There are some example methods in the extra-methods folder. You can also add your own.

$.Kinetic.prototype.do = function(options){
  // this -> instance of Kinetic
  // this.settings -> get current settings
  // options -> options passed in from call

// use the method
$('#elem').kinetic('do', { options });