Rails DNS Rebinder POC

This is intended to be run on an EC2 machine with a IAM role that can modify Route53 DNS. I use the IAM Policy: AmazonRoute53FullAccess

You should also set up a wildcard entry in Route53.

For example I use the zone dnsrebinder.net so I have a wildcard 'A' entry *.dnsrebinder.net pointing to my EC2 machine's IP address.

You also need to modify the DOMAIN and HOSTED_ZONE_ID variables in app.rb to be the name of your domain and ID of your zone Route53.

This is a Rack application so can be deployed using Passenger or your preferred Rack method.

Details about the rebinding attack can be found at: http://benmmurphy.github.io/blog/2016/07/11/rails-webconsole-dns-rebinding/