
Playing around with scala and netty continuations

Primary LanguageScala


  1. install simple built tool https://github.com/harrah/xsbt/wiki
  2. sbt run
  3. http://localhost:8080/nouns


Netty + Async Http Client (https://github.com/sonatype/async-http-client) are used to provide a scalable NIO server that can make http calls without blocking.

Use getAsync and make sure the return type of the block has the attribute @suspendable. If you make a call through the included http library then the block will become @suspendable. If you don't need to do any blocking calls then you can use a plain get.

#DSL Weirdness

get("/nouns")  { implicit ctx =>

the "implicit ctx =>" syntax is a little weird also we are not giving the user access to thread locals to allow them to access request/session/params/etc easily outside of the current method.

there is a trade off. thread locals means that it is harder to integrate other peoples libraries that use @suspendable because there is no way to ensure they clean up our thread locals when they 'shift' and restore our thread locals when they callback into us.

but no thread locals can be pain. not sure what to do at the moment.


/* Provides main method to run the server */
object NounsServer extends HttpServer {
  override def handler = new NounsDSLHandler()

class NounsDSLHandler extends DSLHandler {
  val http:HttpClient = new HttpClient()
  val logger:Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[NounsDSLHandler]);

  get("/nouns") { implicit ctx =>

  getAsync("/images/:term")  { implicit ctx =>
      val term = params("term")
      val json = http.json("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images?v=1.0&q=" + term)
      val imageUrl = json.string("responseData.results[0].url").get
      logger.info("Received imageUrl: {}", imageUrl)

      logger.info("Requesting image")
      val (imageBytes, _) = http.bytes(imageUrl)
      val bufferedImage = parseImage(imageBytes).get

      val bytes = processImage(bufferedImage, term)
      new ServerResponse(OK, bytes, "image/png")


#Example App Sucks

  1. Doesn't ensure image is big enough to fit the text overlay or make sure text is small enough
  2. Need to use a black outline around the text to make it look pretty

#See Also