
Python libraries and command-line tools for manipulating Tigger LSMs

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Tigger-LSM: LSM Libs/utils

Installing Tigger-LSM

Ubuntu package

Enable the KERN suite and install the tigger-lsm package.

from pypi or from source


  • Assorted python packages: pyfits, numpy, scipy, astLib.

With the exception of astLib, these are already present in most Linux distros. astLib may be downloaded here: http://astlib.sourceforge.net/

  • Purr/Kittens. Available from pip as astro-kittens. Else, install the purr package from a MeqTrees binary

distribution (see http://www.astron.nl/meqwiki/Downloading). Alternatively, check it out from svn (see below), and make sure the parent of the Kittens directory is in your PYTHONPATH.

To obtain on ubuntu you can run:

$ sudo apt-get install python-kittens python-pyfits python-astlib python-scipy python-numpy

now from pip:

$ pip install astro-tigger-lsm

or from source:

$ git clone https://github.com/ska-sa/tigger-lsm
$ cd tigger-lsm
$ python setup.py install

Using Tigger-LSM

In python:

$ import Tigger $ model = Tigger.load("foo.lsm.html")

In the shell

$ tigger-convert foo.txt foo.lsm.html

Questions or problems

Open an issue on github


