
This server is designed to handle sites built with React Router's BrowserRouter

Primary LanguageGo

Go Server for React Projects Using Push State

This server is designed to handle sites built with BrowserRouter.


  1. Build your React project react-scripts build and copy it to /web/
  2. Test on localhost
    1. Run dev_appserver.py app.yaml in the same directory as the app.yaml file
    2. Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080
  3. Deploy to Google App Engine
    1. Run gcloud app deploy in the same directory as the app.yaml file

Adding more static directories

During your react build, any folder in /public/ will create it's own static directory. These folders need to be added to the staticPaths array.

  1. Open main.go in a text editor
  2. Add elements to the staticPaths string array


staticPaths := [...]string{"/static/", "/img/", "/media/"}