
ClickUp CLI client for adding quick time entries

Primary LanguagePython


Clickup Client with an emphasis on the CLI.

Pronounce it click. Pronounce it clock. Pronounce it cluck. Pronounce it clack.

Whichever way, type it fast.


./clk.py -add since last acme
./clk.py -add 1400 1530 dunder
./clk.py -add 10 min cust-2977
./clk.py -recent
./clk.py -show-config


If you skip this section the script will remind you.

Private key

Please create a key for clickup at https://clickup.com/api/developer-portal/authentication#personal-token and set environment variable CLICKUP_PK to that value.

Clickup Team ID

Your team id is the number after the base website domain.


Please set environment variable CLICKUP_TEAM_ID to that number.


Bundle it into a single executable file with pyinstaller

pyinstaller clk.py -F


Add an alias for it to your .zshrc file

alias clk=~/clk/dist/clk