
An up-to-date build of docker-pi-hole, with dote preinstalled

Primary LanguageDockerfile


An up-to-date version of docker-pi-hole, with DoTE.

Based on boostchicken/pihole-dote:latest, but with some small improvements:

  • DoTE is baked into the image, instead of downloaded at launch. This should improve startup times, but it means you need to pull down the latest image whenever a new version of DoTE is released.
  • DoTE is launched using s6-supervisor, which may improve reliability (automatically restarted when it fails)


Follow the instructions here: https://github.com/boostchicken/udm-utilities/tree/master/run-pihole

However, update your scripts to use bennettp123/pihole-dote:latest instead of pihole/pihole:latest.

Note that DoTE is baked into the image, and not updated at reboot. DoTE can be updated, along with pihole itself, by running podman pull bennettp123/pihole-dote:latest, then removing and recreating the pihole container.

Suggested changes to upd_pihole.sh:


# Change to pihole/pihole:latest for default
# Change to boostchicken/pihole:latest for DoH
# Change to boostchicken/pihole-dote:latest for DoTE

CURRENT_IMAGE="$(podman image inspect --format '{{.Id}}' "${IMAGE}" 2>/dev/null || echo 'current image missing')"

podman pull "${IMAGE}"

NEW_IMAGE="$(podman image inspect --format '{{.Id}}' "${IMAGE}" 2>/dev/null || echo 'new image missing')"

if [ "${CURRENT_IMAGE}" != "${NEW_IMAGE}" ]; then
  exec /data/scripts/restart_pihole.sh
  echo "${IMAGE} is already up-to-date"

Also, add a new script restart_pihole.sh:


podman stop pihole >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
podman rm pihole >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

podman run -d \
    --network dns \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --name pihole \
    -e TZ="Europe/London" \
    -v "/data/etc-pihole/:/etc/pihole/" \
    -v "/data/pihole/etc-dnsmasq.d/:/etc/dnsmasq.d/" \
    --dns= \
    --hostname pi.hole \
    -e DOTE_OPTS="-s [::1]:5053 -s -f [2606:4700:4700::1112]:853 -f [2606:4700:4700::1002]:853 -f -f -h security.cloudflare-dns.com -m 512" \
    -e VIRTUAL_HOST="pi.hole" \
    -e PROXY_LOCATION="pi.hole" \
    -e PIHOLE_DNS_='::1#5053;' \
    -e ServerIP='' \
    -e IPv6="true" \

You can run upd_pihole.sh periodically, and it will restart your container when it detects an update is available.