
A simple repo to automate the backup of Zoom Recordings to AWS S3.

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


A simple repo to automate the backup of Zoom Recordings to AWS S3.

I would like all things to be:

  • Written in Terraform or (CDK-TF, which would make all this in Node.js)
  • Written in Node.js
  • ran through Github Actions
    • linting
    • testing

The Flow:

  • Zoom meeting happens with cloud recording turned on

  • Zoom meeting ends, and Zoom processes the recordings

  • When recordings available, Zoom will fire a webhook to a Lambda, archive_raw_recordings. This Lambda will:

    • Query the recordings "title" for email address(es)
    • Lambda will check for or create a folder in raw_recordings S3 bucket based off the email address(es) in the recording "title"
      • If more than one email address, create one folder with all email addresses seperated by _
    • Lambda will then store video files, audio files, and any transcripts into that folder
  • Our process_raw_recordings lambda will watch for new files to appear in the raw_recordings S3 bucket.

    • When new files are found, the lambda will process/compile the video files
    • The lambda will save those files in a S3 bucket, available_recordings
      • This will follow the same namespacing as the raw_recordings bucket (by email address(es) presented in the recording title
    • The recordings will be nested in an <email_address>/<date> folder structure in the S3 bucket
    • The lambda will move the "raw recording" from the raw_recordings S3 bucket, into a (Glacier?) archive bucket raw_recordings_archive
    • Items in available_recordings S3 bucket have a lifecycle of X (assuming 30) days
      • Then it is moved to a (Glacier?) archive bucket processed_recordings_archive
  • Our notify_recording_ready lambda will watch for new files to appear in the available_recordings S3 bucket

    • When there is a video file AND an audio file present in the same folder, the lambda will notify clients
    • The lambda will traverse folders upwards until it finds the clients email address named folder
    • Then it will fire off to an SNS topic notify_recordings_finished
      • This SNS topic will email the client notifying them that their recording is ready to download
      • This will only fire once per client per day
      • This SNS topic will send a Slack message notifying the team that recordings were processsed and sent out

Things Needed:

  • S3 Bucket: raw_recordings
  • Lambda: archive_raw_recordings
  • Lambda: process_raw_recordings
  • S3 Bucket: available_recordings
  • S3 Bucket: raw_recordings_archive
  • S3 Bucket: processed_recordings_archive
  • Lambda: notify_recording_ready
  • SNS Topic: notify_recordings_finished
  • SES?
  • Slack integration lambda?

To run TF locally:

  • I use aws-vault to manage my aws creds
  • I add these aliases to my shell profile:
alias awsmoe='aws-vault exec moe -- aws'
alias tfmoe='export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<access_key_id>"; export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<secret_acess_key_id>"; tf'
  • I can then run commands like awsmoe s3 ls or tfmoe plan

Quality checks

Each PR is ran against a slew of different checks to ensure quality code. To run those checks locally run one of the following commands.

terraform fmt

terraform -chdir=terraform fmt -check

terraform validate

terraform -chdir=terraform validate -no-color


docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/terraform" -t ghcr.io/terraform-linters/tflint /terraform


docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/terraform" tfsec/tfsec /terraform

terraform plan

terraform -chdir=terraform plan -no-color