Coronory Heart Disease Analysis

Background and Description of the Problem

Coronary heart disease refers to a narrowing of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply oxygen and blood to the heart. Research suggests that coronary heart disease (CHD) starts when certain factors damage the inner layers of the coronary arteries. These factors include: -Smoking -High levels of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood -High blood pressure -High levels of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or diabetes -Blood vessel inflammation

This study was initiated to see more clearly the relation of the disease with the headings seen as causes. Countries are examined separately and the percentage values are examined in various categories. All the data on the study are given within the last 6 years.


The problem we want to investigate that whether there is a relation between CHD (Coronory Heart Disease) in many countries and inactivity/sugar consumption/tobacco consumption/obesity and countries’s total health expenditure.We chose this problem since it is an important disease of our age and there is no exactly one reason on this disease and we want to check which one of the treatments causes more.

Our hypothesis is comparing the rate of disease according to continents’ expenses for health.We compare if all continents have same budget for health or not. Secondly, we want to check effects of both sugar consumption and obesity continents by continents. Our third hypothesis is about the tobacco consumption.We claim that while tobacco consumption increases,the rate of disease also increases.The last hypothesis is about the reason of high level of the disease in countries which are same continent.

Our sources are WHO 2014 for CHD Level, WORLD Bank Group for Life expectancy at birth, LANCET for Inactivitiy by country, Renewbariatrics for Obesity rate, World Health Organization for Tobacco Consumption, World Health Organization, Global Health Expenditure Database for Total health expenditure and for Consumption of sugar.

Research Questions

  1. Is there a relationship between expenses for health of the continents Africa and Europe and rate of disease?
  2. Does sugar consumption and obesity affect the disease?
  3. Does cigarette use increases the level of CHD?
  4. Why is the disease level different in countries within the same continent? What are the factors that affect it?