US Census Demographic Data in R

A census is an official survey to obtain details such as the number of people living in the countries/states, their ages, races and work types. The US Census Demographic Data were collected by the US Census Bureau that has an aim to provide objective and high quality data regarding its people and economy. The data is taken from the 2015 American Community Survey as 5 year estimates. Income disparities have become so pronounced that America’s top 10 percent now average more than nine times as much income as the bottom 90 percent (UC Berkeley, 2019). This project was conducted to compare the income levels of people in North Carolina and New York in terms of gender, race, employment type, transportation preferences, poverty and work type. In addition, some analysis results do not only include differences in income levels of races, but also the effect of employment type. According to analysis results, the average income differs considering states where people live in. Moreover, the change in the number of hispanic people in the population affects the average income although the change in the number of white people do not.