Welcome to Workshop 3 of the EY x AI Workshop Series

'Welcome to Workshop 3'

Welcome to our 3rd and final Workshop in our EY x Microsoft AI Workshop Series.

Thank you for growth mindset during the series - we hope this Workshop challenges you to see the value of MLOps in Azure, how to productionize a custom machine learning model using the Azure Machine Learning SDK.

As you continue your journey and career to be a machine learning engineer at EY, this Workshop forms the basis of what you will do on a Customer engagement for pro-code machine learning. As long as you're equipped with a learn-it-all attitude, programming a machine learning model becomes more and more accessible and intuitive over time.

In this Workshop, you'll learn the underlying framework and recipe of how this is done.

Continuing from Workshop 2, we will be extending our MLOps skills by creating, registering and deploying a custom machine learning model to Azure Container Instances as part of a CICD pipeline in Azure DevOps.

This repo contains the initial set up files for the workshop, DevOps for Data Science and contains all the resources your team will need in order to complete the challenges during the OpenHack.

This workshop is based on a retired OpenHack repo from Microsoft.

Before you get started...

Navigate to Challenge 1 to begin the workshop.