
Curated list of Serverless goodies. Obviuosly it's not a complete list, more of a memoir of things I've came across.

Serverless Overview



  • Serverless Framework - Application framework for building web, mobile and IoT applications powered by AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway and in the future other Function as a Service providers.
  • Apex - Application framework which enables using languages that are not natively supported by AWS Lambda, through the use of a Node.js shim injected into the build.
  • Chalice - A Python framework for AWS Lambda (by AWS).
  • Sparta - A Go framework for AWS Lambda.
  • IOPipe - A toolkit for building and orchestrating event-driven and serverless applications. Allows the chaining of web service / HTTP requests, local functions, and kernels (portable javascript snippets).

Service Providers

  • Stamplay - Backend as a Service (auth, db, hosting) + Function as a Service + integrations to 3rd party APIs
  • webtask - Platform for running code. Can be integrated with webhooks. On top of AWS but Not using Lambda. Made by Auth0.


Best Practices

