A collapsible list that functions like a UITableView, except you can collapse and open cells on a click. Feed it UIViews for what is shown when each cell is open. Works via delegation similar to UITableView.
- a7mlivemile
- adfleshner@digitalturbine
- andrewmm
- billburgess@appareo-systems
- cherifyaSF Bay Area, US
- chrispolkNew York, NY
- dmiedemaOregon
- docallag
- dulacpEntropia
- erloncabralSão Paulo - Brazil
- exorcyze
- FahimFRookSoft Ltd.
- fzfChime Bank
- iltercengiz@careem
- imranansari
- jackfanAnyweb
- JaviLorbada@polarsteps
- jksk
- lwdupontSan Diego
- markrickertInfinite Red
- MattFoleySkillz
- MatthewYorkApptoo Inc
- mohaganLondon, UK
- mps@cfacorp
- ob1jabroni
- pyro2927@EpicGames
- rl1987Planet Earth
- saetiaMilwaukee, WI
- schubterBurgEins GmbH
- seanlilmateusKöln (cologne), Germany
- simonbs@shapehq
- terminaldudeRumble Labs
- travisjefferyCanada
- yderiddeAdobe Systems, Inc.
- zhanhao