- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
#11 opened by yeezhiwang - 0
#10 opened by yeezhiwang - 3
The reflected branch can not learn the color of mirror in 360 degree scene with spheric poses
#9 opened by tsuJohc - 4
Reflection masks not being applied
#8 opened by JeremiahJiangJ - 2
what's the diffrence between "all_masks" and "all_masks_valid" in dataloader
#7 opened by YeJiangnan1029 - 4
RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE when calling `cublasSgemm( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, &beta, c, ldc)`
#6 opened by 2694048168 - 3
how many phoths are suitable?
#5 opened by rabbitchenrui - 1
Dataloader for synthetic dataset
#4 opened by ZX-Yin - 1
provide code for view synthesis
#3 opened by sw1014 - 1
export the model
#2 opened by z905762202 - 1
training pipeline for my own data
#1 opened by flugenheimer