
Just a simple bot which fills out the survey on surveymonkey.com and submits it. The bot was made for a friend. Built with Node.js and Google Puppeteer.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SurveyMonkey.com auto fill bot

Getting Started


npm i
# or 

Change URL

Go to index.js in root folder and change the variable URL to your SurveyMonkey URL.

Search your elements

Search for your survey questions and then find the right element you want to select, check or fill out. In utils/ you find modules which sets radio buttons to checked = true.

Start Server

npm run start
# or 
yarn start

Open URL in Browser

http://localhost:4000/fill or your env. port

Auto submit with setInterval

Insert the code below into the console of e.g. Google Chrome. Every 8s the page sends a GET-Request to the "API".

setInterval(async () => {
    await fetch('http://localhost:4000/fill', 
    { method: 'GET' });
}, 8000);