
A c3.js graph with data from the Open Data Minneapolis, http://opendata.minneapolismn.gov/

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A c3.js graph with data from the Open Data Minneapolis, http://opendata.minneapolismn.gov/

v1 (completed) - A graph on reported bike thefts in three neighborhoods in the fifth precinct of Minneapolis in 2017. I used Open Data Minneapolis to find the data and format the JSON dataset, d3.js to fetch the dataset, and c3.js to create the graph.

I manually counted the number of reported bike thefts to create the graph in c3.js. In v1.2, I hope to make this dynamic.

v1.2 - To further refine the JS that works with the JSON dataset. My goal is to dynamically transfer the information from the dataset to the c3 graph.

Future ideas - To allow users to change different aspects of the graph, perhaps the neighborhood and crime stat, and perhaps add layers of different information available through Open Data Minneapolis.