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This package is base on the vbenjs/vite-plugin-html. Since the author of that package is no longer supporting and updating the package. A lot of bugs and issue had being left unresolved. I really needed a couple of the features and fixes to use this plugin in my projects. So I had decided to maintain a new one for myself and for anyone that are looking for a updated version of it.

A few issues are fixed in this version:


  • HTML compression capability
  • EJS template capability
  • Multi-page application support
  • Support custom entry
  • Support custom template
  • Support custom filename for both single and multi-page application

Install (yarn or npm)

node version: >=12.0.0

vite version: >=2.0.0

yarn add vite-plugin-html-transformer -D

npm i vite-plugin-html-transformer -D


  • Add EJS tags to index.html, e.g.
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title><%- title %></title>
  <%- injectScript %>
  • Configure in vite.config.ts, this method can introduce the required functions as needed
import { defineConfig, Plugin } from 'vite';
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';

import { createHtmlPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-html-transformer';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      minify: true,
       * After writing entry here, you will not need to add script tags in `index.html`, the original tags need to be deleted
       * @default /src/main.ts
      entry: '/src/main.ts',

       * Output filename of your template, can include file dir for custom output locations e.g "../layout/index.html"
       * By default the output of your template will be in the `outDir` set by ViteConfigs
       * @default index.html
      filename: 'index.html'

       * If you want to store the template `index.html` in the specified folder, you can modify it, otherwise no configuration is required
       * @default index.html
      template: 'public/index.html',

       * Data that needs to be injected into the index.html ejs template
      inject: {
        data: {
          title: 'index',
          injectScript: `<script src="./inject.js"></script>`
        tags: [
            injectTo: 'body-prepend',
            tag: 'div',
            attrs: {
              id: 'tag'

Multi-page application configuration

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { createHtmlPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-html-transformer';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      minify: true,
      pages: [
          entry: '/src/main.ts',
          filename: 'index.html',
          template: 'public/index.html',
          injectOptions: {
            data: {
              title: 'index',
              injectScript: `<script src="./inject.js"></script>`
            tags: [
                injectTo: 'body-prepend',
                tag: 'div',
                attrs: {
                  id: 'tag1'
          entry: '/src/other-main.ts',
          filename: 'other.html',
          template: 'public/other.html',
          injectOptions: {
            data: {
              title: 'other page',
              injectScript: `<script src="./inject.js"></script>`
            tags: [
                injectTo: 'body-prepend',
                tag: 'div',
                attrs: {
                  id: 'tag2'

Parameter Description

createHtmlPlugin(options: UserOptions)


Parameter Types Default Description
entry string src/main.ts entry file path
template string index.html relative path to the template
inject InjectOptions - Data injected into HTML
minify boolean|MinifyOptions - whether to compress html
pages PageOption - Multi-page configuration


Parameter Types Default Description
data Record<string, any> - injected data
ejsOptions EJSOptions - ejs configuration OptionsEJSOptions
tags HtmlTagDescriptor - List of tags to inject

data can be accessed in html using the ejs template syntax

Env inject

By default, the contents of the .env file will be injected into index.html, similar to vite's loadEnv function


Parameter Types Default Description
filename string - html file name
template string index.html relative path to the template
entry string src/main.ts entry file path
injectOptions InjectOptions - Data injected into HTML


Default compression configuration

    collapseWhitespace: true,
    keepClosingSlash: true,
    removeComments: true,
    removeRedundantAttributes: true,
    removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
    removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
    useShortDoctype: true,
    minifyCSS: true,

Run the playground

pnpm install

# spa
cd ./packages/playground/basic

pnpm run dev

# map
cd ./packages/playground/mpa

pnpm run dev
