
Plugpac is a plugin manger written in Vim9 based on minpac, provides vim-plug-like experience

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Plugpac is a plugin manger written in Vim9 based on minpac, leveraging the power of Vim8(and Neovim) native package manager and jobs feature. It's even faster than vim-plug.

In my case, it takes 50ms to start up with 81 plugins. While vim-plug takes 100ms.


Linux & Vim9:

git clone https://github.com/k-takata/minpac.git \
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plugpac.vim --create-dirs \

If Vim9 is unavailable:

git clone https://github.com/k-takata/minpac.git \
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plugpac.vim --create-dirs \

Sample vimrc

# Pass opts to `minpac#init()`
  status_open: 'vertical',
  verbose: 2,

" minpac
Pack 'k-takata/minpac', {'type': 'opt'}

Pack 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'

" On-demand loading
Pack 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on':  'NERDTreeToggle' }
Pack 'tpope/vim-fireplace', { 'for': 'clojure' }

" Using a non-master branch
Pack 'rdnetto/YCM-Generator', { 'branch': 'stable' }

" Post-update hook
" Execute an Ex command as a hook.
Pack 'Yggdroot/LeaderF', { 'do': "packadd LeaderF \| LeaderfInstallCExtension" }
" Execute a lambda function as a hook.
" Parameters for a lambda can be omitted, if you don't need them.
Pack 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', {'do': () => system('make')}

" Specify commit ID, branch name or tag name to be checked out.
Pack 'tpope/vim-sensible', { 'rev': 'v1.2' }

" Load after `VimEnter` Event
Pack 'tpope/vim-rsi', { 'type': 'delay' }

" Load 1000 ms after `VimEnter` Event. implies `'type' : 'delay'`
Pack 'junegunn/fzf', { 'delay': 1000 }

Reload .vimrc and :PackInstall to install plugins.

Pack command just handles for and on options(i.e. lazy load, implies 'type': 'opt'). Other options are passed to minpac#add directly. See minpac for more information.

How I use plugpac.vim


  • g:plugpac_plugin_config_path: Folder for plugin config. For example, if its value is ~/.vim/plugin_config, config file for dense-analysis/ale would be ~/.vim/plugin_config/ale.vim. If you want it to be sourced before the plugin is loaded, prefix the file name with pre-, e.g. pre-ale.vim.
  • g:plugpac_default_type: type option default value for plugin. Possible values are start, opt, delay. Default is start.


  • PackInstall: Install newly added plugins.(minpac#update())
  • PackUpdate: Install or update plugins.(minpac#update())
  • PackClean: Uninstall unused plugins.(minpac#clean())
  • PackStatus: See plugins status.(minpac#status())
  • PackDisable: Move a plugin to minpac/opt.(minpac#update would move plugin back to minpac/start, unless the plugin is explicitly optional. Useful for disabling a plugin temporarily)
  • PackEnable: Move a plugin to minpac/start


  • 2.2: plugpac#Begin() pass opts to minpac#init(); Support delay option for Pack
  • 2.1: Fix Map
  • 2.0: Rewrite in Vim9
  • 1.1: Support delay load and plugin config. BREAKS: Functions plugpac#{begin,end,has_plugin} rename to plugpac#{Begin,End,HasPlugin}
  • 1.0: Initial version.


K.Takata(as the author of minpac)

Junegunn Choi(as the author of vim-plug)
