
Use Percona XtraBackup to do file copy backup and restore for innodb

Primary LanguageShell

Percona XtraBackup innodb backup and restores file copy

This document shows how to use Percona XtraBackup to backup and recover the mysql innodb tables using file copy ways for MySQL 5.6 above. You can download and install Percona XtraBackup from here.

yum install https://www.percona.com/downloads/XtraBackup/Percona-XtraBackup-2.4.9/binary/redhat/7/x86_64/percona-xtrabackup-24-2.4.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
$ xtrabackup --version
xtrabackup version 2.4.9 based on MySQL server 5.7.13 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: a467167cdd4)

2 Backup database

2.1 get schema table list

Run get_tables.sh below to get all tables from one schema and save into a file ${TABLE_SCHEMA}_tables.lst. You need to pass in the schema name use $1. for example ./get_tables.sh test will get all tables from schema test.


source $SCRIPT_DIR/vars.sh


mysql --host=${HOST_NAME} --user=${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWD} -N -e "SELECT CONCAT(TABLE_SCHEMA,'.',TABLE_NAME) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '${SCHEMA_NAME}'" > $SCHEMA_NAME\_tables.lst

-N : ignore column header.

2.2 --backup

All Xtrabackup backup options can be found here

sudo /usr/bin/xtrabackup --user=${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWD} --tables-file=${TABLES_LIST_FILE} --backup --parallel=4 --target-dir=${BACKUP_DIR} --DATA_DIR=${DATA_DIR}

2.3 --prepare --export

  • --prepare You need to prepare backup in order to restore it. Data files are not point-in-time consistent until they’ve been prepared, because they were copied at different times as the program ran, and they might have been changed while this was happening. If you try to start InnoDB with these data files, it will detect corruption and crash itself to prevent you from running on damaged data. The xtrabackup --prepare step makes the files perfectly consistent at a single instant in time, so you can run InnoDB on them Reference. You can run the prepare operation on any machine; it does not need to be on the originating server or the server to which you intend to restore.

  • --export This command makes it possible to copy table files for backups. It creates files necessary for exporting tables. See Restoring Individual Tables. This command is combined with --prepare

sudo /usr/bin/xtrabackup --prepare --export --target-dir=${BACKUP_DIR}

After run it, you will see some files for each table like below. These files are all you need to import the table into a server running Percona Server with XtraDB or MySQL 5.7



One script backup.sh is provided. This script needds pass in one parameter - SCHEMA_NAME. For example, backup.sh test will backup whole innodb tables of test database.

3 Restore databse

3.1 drop/recreate tables

  • Get whole DDLs

You can get whole DDLs from this command.

 mysqldump -d -u ${USER_NAME} -p${PASSWD} ${SCHEMA_NAME} > ${SCHEMA_NAME}\_DDL.sql
  • Drop and recreate tables
mysql --host=${HOST_NAME} --user=${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWD} < ${SCHEMA_NAME}\_DDL.sql

3.2 Discard Tablespaces

Use this script to generate discard tablespace sql file ./create_discard_tablespace_sql.sh SCHEMA_NAME and save into a file $SCHEMA_NAME\_discard_tablespace.sql


while read line
done < $SCHEMA_NAME\_tables.lst

run discard tablespace sql.

mysql --host=${HOST_NAME} --user=${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWD} < ${SCHEMA_NAME}\_discard_tablespace.sql

3.3 Copy backed up files from BACKUP_DIR to DATA_DIR

You just needs to copy *.cfg and *ibd files. mv_back_backups.sh

source $SCRIPT_DIR/vars.sh


while read line
   sudo cp -rpv ${BACKUP_DIR}/${SCHEMA_NAME}/*.cfg ${DATA_DIR}/${SCHEMA_NAME}
   sudo cp -rpv ${BACKUP_DIR}/${SCHEMA_NAME}/*.ibd ${DATA_DIR}/${SCHEMA_NAME}
done < $SCHEMA_NAME\_tables.lst

sudo chown -R mysql:mysql ${DATA_DIR}

3.4 Import tablesapce

Use this script to generate import tablespace sql file ./create_import_tablespace_sql.sh SCHEMA_NAME and save into a file $SCHEMA_NAME\_import_tablespace.sql


while read line
done < $SCHEMA_NAME\_tables.lst

run import discard tablespace sql.

mysql --host=${HOST_NAME} --user=${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWD} < ${SCHEMA_NAME}\_import_tablespace.sql

3.5 Cleanup after import

rm ${DATA_DIR}/${SCHEMA_NAME}/*.cfg

3.6 Put them together

$ cat restore_backup.sh


source $SCRIPT_DIR/vars.sh


echo "dump original DDL ......"
mysqldump -d -u ${USER_NAME} -p${PASSWD} ${SCHEMA_NAME} > ${SCHEMA_NAME}\_DDL.sql

echo "drop/recreate tables ......"
mysql --host=${HOST_NAME} --user=${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWD} < ${SCHEMA_NAME}\_DDL.sql

echo "discard tablespaces ......"
echo "  + create discard tablespaces sql"
$SCRIPT_DIR/create_discard_tablespace_sql.sh ${SCHEMA_NAME} > $SCHEMA_NAME\_discard_tablespace.sql
echo "  + run discard tablespaces sql"
mysql --host=${HOST_NAME} --user=${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWD} < ${SCHEMA_NAME}\_discard_tablespace.sql

echo "copy backed up files from ${BACKUP_DIR} to ${DATA_DIR}
$SCRIPT_DIR/mv_back_backups.sh ${SCHEMA_NAME}

echo "import tablespaces ......"
echo "  + create import tablespaces sql"
$SCRIPT_DIR/create_import_tablespace_sql.sh ${SCHEMA_NAME} > $SCHEMA_NAME\_import_tablespace.sql
echo "  + run import tablespaces sql"
mysql --host=${HOST_NAME} --user=${USER_NAME} --password=${PASSWD} < ${SCHEMA_NAME}\_import_tablespace.sql

echo "clean up cfg files"
sudo rm ${DATA_DIR}/${SCHEMA_NAME}/*.cfg

echo "Restore Complete!!!!"

4 whole picture

$ tree .
├── create_discard_tablespace_sql.sh
├── create_import_tablespace_sql.sh
├── dump_tables_ddl.sh
├── export_backup.sh
├── get_tables.sh
├── mv_back_backups.sh
├── restore_backup.sh
├── test_DDL.sql
├── test_discard_tablespace.sql
├── test_import_tablespace.sql
├── test_tables.lst
└── vars.sh

vars.sh is your configuration files. export_backup.sh is main script to backup and restore_backup.sh is main script to restore.