
In python, there are two ways to do parallel computation, threading and multiprocessing. The main differece is threading uses threads that run in the same meory space. While multiprocessing uses processes that have sparate memory space. Since threads share the same memory space, some lock mechanism should be applied to protect two or more threads will write to the same memory at the same time. Belows are examples showing how to use both threading and multiprocessing in python.

$ python -V
Python 2.7.5

Multithreading show an example of threads working with queues. We have a list of system commands cmd_list and we want to run all of them in nThreads worker threads. When one thread finishes its current work, the thread picks up the next command in the cmd_list and continues to run. It ends when all commands in the cmd_list finish. only shows simplest sleep command, you can replace it with any command you need. Run it

$ time python

It is a very useful code. For example, we have a list of urls, we want to grab data from those urls using curl. You can build your cmd_list like below and run the code.

# create the cmd_list
   'curl url1',
   'curl url2',
   'curl url3',
   'curl url4',
   'curl urln',

Example 2. we want to export all data from one big oracle table. We can split the table into multiple partitions based on id range and run the Build your cmd_list like below. An exmple of is provided too.

# create the cmd_list
   './ 1 1000000',
   './ 1000001 2000000',
   './ 2000001 3000000',
   './ 3000001 4000000',
   './ 4000001 5000000',
   './ 5000001 6000000',
   './ 6000001 7000000',
   './ 7000001 8000000',
   './ 8000001 9000000',
   './ 9000001 10000000',

Multiprocessing shows an example using multip processeses. There are two types of list of numbers. Based on different types, different weights are applied. Return a list of multiplication of number and weights.

$ python

[('type1', 1, 2), ('type1', 2, 4), ('type1', 3, 6), ('type1', 4, 8), ('type1', 5, 10), ('type1', 6, 12), ('type1', 7, 14), ('type1', 8, 16), ('type1', 9, 18), ('type2', 1, 3), ('type2', 2, 6), ('type2', 3, 9), ('type2', 4, 12), ('type2', 5, 15), ('type2', 6, 18), ('type2', 7, 21), ('type2', 8, 24), ('type2', 9, 27)]