
This Spring Boot application searches for prime numbers in coroutines and lists them via REST endpoints.


OpenAPI description available after starting the application at: http://localhost:8080/api-docs
SwaggerUI available after starting the application at: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

  • Start
    Starts searching for prime numbers in the background. Previous results are deleted.
    • Endpoint: /api/start
    • Query parameters:
      • threads: number, specifies how many threads to use to search for prime numbers.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: Searching has successfully started.
      • 400 BAD REQUEST: there is a validation error.
    • Possible validation errors:
      • Parameter threads is smaller than 1.
      • Parameter threads is greater than the maximum threshold defined in the property file as maxThreadsToUse.
      • Search is already in progress.
  • Stop
    Stops running threads searching for prime numbers.
    • Endpoint: /api/stop
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: Stopping threads has successfully started.
      • 400 BAD REQUEST: there is a validation error.
    • Possible validation errors:
      • Search is not in progress.
  • List
    Lists found prime numbers. Usable while search is running, or after stopped.
    • Endpoint: /api/list
    • Query parameters:
      • min: number, specifies the start of the interval to retrieve prime numbers from.
      • max: number, specifies the end of the interval to retrieve prime numbers up to.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: Returns a list of prime numbers in the given interval.
      • 400 BAD REQUEST: there is a validation error.
    • Possible validation errors:
      • Parameter min is smaller than 1.
      • Parameter max is smaller than 1.
      • Parameter min is greater than parameter max.
      • Searching hasn't progressed up to max yet.

Data storage

Found prime numbers are stored in memory in H2 database. To acccess the database directly while the application is running, visit http://localhost:8080/h2-console/.
Login details are stored in the property file.

  • Username: sa
  • Password: password
  • JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:primedb

The database consist of one table, named PRIME_NUMBERS which has one column named PRIME_NUMBER which holds all the prime numbers the application has found.


To run the Spring Boot application go to the root directory of the project and run ./gradlew bootRun
To run tests run ./gradlew cleanTest test. Run with -i flag for more information.
Test report file can be found at {projectRoot}/build/reports/tests/test/index.html