Python bindings for libqrencode ( using Cython Credit and inspiration to: - (this is essentially a cleaned up version of the Encoder, eliminating all the Java dependencies) - libqrencode, by Fukuchi Kentaro - PyQrCodec, by Stefano Pedemonte Tested on: * Mac OSX 10.6.4 Snow Leopard, Python 2.6.1 (64-bit) * CentOS 5.5, Python 2.6.4 (64-bit) Pre-requisites on all platforms: -------------------------------- * you need libqrencode somewhere in your LD path (/usr/local/lib) * you need qrencode.h somewhere on your include path (/usr/local/include) ** if you want to play with the code generation you need Cython (tested with 0.13) $ easy_install cython $ cython qrencode.pyx Installation ------------ $ python install