
mp is a command line video processing app for macOS

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Swift 4 Platform

mpis a video media processor command line tools built on the top of Apple video Foundation. mp can process local and distants video. It supports distant authentication using Bearer Token Authentication.

It uses some sub packages MPLib, NavetLib, that support on macOS, iOS and tvOS.

How to install mp

  1. Clone https://github.com/benoit-pereira-da-silva/mp.git
  2. Move to the mp/ folder.
  3. Build the release : swift build -c release -Xswiftc -static-stdlib
  4. Copy the executable to the bin path: cp ./.build/x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/release/mp /usr/local/bin/

Commands overview :

Valid calls are S.V.O sentences like:"mp [options]"

  • mp version: returns the current version of mp
  • mp help : displays the general help
  • mp <subcommand> help: displays the sub command help.
  • mp detect-shots: detects the shots from a file or an URL and saves the result into a json file
  • mp generate-video: creates a video placeholder

mp detect-shots command

In filmmaking and video production, a shot is a series of frames, that runs for an uninterrupted period of time. mp detect-shots detect the shots from a file or an URL and saves the result into a json file

mp detect-shots help

Usage: mp detect-shots [options]
  -i, --input:
      The media file URL or path (supports Bearer tokens)
  -o, --output:
      The optional Output file URL or path. If not set the result will be printed to the standard output. In case of URL usage + token it POST the file with the token in an HTTP Authorization Header
  -a, --authorization-token:
      The optional Authorization bearer token (for media URLs)
  -s, --starts:
      The optional starting time stamp in seconds (double)
  -e, --ends:
      The optional ends time stamp in seconds (double)
  -t, --threshold:
      The optional detection threshold (integer from 1 to 255)
  -p, --pretty-json:
      Should the result be pretty encoded (default is false)
  -v, --verbose:
      If verbose some progress messages will be displayed in the standard output.


Detect the shots of a local file

mp detect-shots -v -s 60 -e 120 -i ~/Desktop/1.mp4 -o ~/Desktop/1.shots.json

Distant video

Detect the shots in the second minute of Big buck bunny :

mp detect-shots -v -s 60 -e 120 -i https://download.blender.org/peach/bigbuckbunny_movies/BigBuckBunny_320x180.mp4 -o ~/Desktop/BigBuckBunny.shots.json

  "shots": [{
    "detectionValue": 45,
    "time": 60.6875,
    "timeCode": "00:01:00:16"
  }, {
    "detectionValue": 71,
    "time": 63.8125,
    "timeCode": "00:01:03:19"
  }, {
    "detectionValue": 68,
    "time": 69.4375,
    "timeCode": "00:01:09:10"
  }, {
    "detectionValue": 87,
    "time": 71.3125,
    "timeCode": "00:01:11:07"
  }, {
    "detectionValue": 63,
    "time": 73.479166666666671,
    "timeCode": "00:01:13:11"
  "stats": {
    "startTimeString": "00:01:00:00",
    "imgPerSecond": 34,
    "cliVersion": "1.0.5",
    "endTime": 120,
    "elapsedTime": 41.053743958473206,
    "averageImageComparisonResult": 3,
    "endTimeString": "00:02:00:00",
    "frameDuration": 0.041666666666666664,
    "startTime": 60,
    "numberOfFrames": 1440,
    "elapsedTimeString": "00:41"
  "source": {
    "height": 180,
    "origin": 0,
    "originTimeCode": "00:00",
    "width": 320,
    "fps": 24,
    "duration": 596.45899999999995,
    "url": "https:\/\/download.blender.org\/peach\/bigbuckbunny_movies\/BigBuckBunny_320x180.mp4"

mp generate-videocommand

Command line video generator that does not create masterpieces but useful video placeholders. Relies on NavetLib

# mp navet help
Usage: mp generate-video [options]
  -d, --duration:
      The duration in seconds
  -f, --fps:
      The number of frame per seconds (default 25)
  -p, --video-file-path:
      The video file path. If undefined we will create a navet folder on the desktop
      "uniform" "random" or "progressive" (default is "progressive")
  -w, --width:
      The width of the video (default 1080)
  -h, --height:
      The height of the video (default 720)
      "mov" "m4v" or "mp4" (default is "mov")
      "hevc" "h264" "jpeg"  "proRes4444" or "proRes422" (default is "h264")

Usage Samples

  • mp navet -f 60 -d 10 --codec h264 -w 640 -h 480 will generate a progressive video placeholder at 60fps of 10 seconds using h264 in VGA.
  • mp navet -f 30 -d 10 --codec proRes4444 -w 1080 -h 720 will generate a progressive video placeholder at 30fps of 10 seconds using proRes4444 in 1080p.



A sample script to generate some 720p references

# 720p
for durationInSeconds in 100
	for fps in 24 25 30 60
		for codec in h264 hevc jpeg proRes4444 proRes422
			mp generate-video -f $fps -d $durationInSeconds --codec $codec -w 1280 -h 720

How to debug and launch mp from xcode?

Check Using the Package Manager on swift.org if your not familiar with the Swift Package Manager (SPM).

  1. You need to have the xcode tools installed (xcode 10.1 / Swift 4.2)
  2. Run move to your fork or clone, and run ./core-dev-install.sh
  3. Call mp version it should display mp's version.
  4. Open mp.xcworkspace to start experimenting.


Drop me a message on pereira-da-silva.com