
python decorator helper library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Decorum is a simple tool which aims to make it easier to write flexible and simple decorators. It can also act similarly to functools.wraps.

Typical usage looks like this:

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> from decorum import Decorum

>>> class my_decorator(Decorum):
...    def wraps(self, f):
...        print("I'm returning the function! You can keep it!")
...        return super(my_decorator, self).wraps(f)

Decorum lets you write decorators with and without arguments in a unified way. Your decorator can be used with or without arguments, called or not, and it will work the same way:

>>> @my_decorator
... def foo(x):
...     print(x)
I'm returning the function! You can keep it!

>>> foo('bar')

Is identical to:

>>> @my_decorator()
... def foo(x):
...     print(x)
I'm returning the function! You can keep it!

Writing decorators

In order to write your own decorators, just subclass decorum.Decorum.

There are only three methods to be aware of when writing your own decorators:

  • init() setups the decorator itself;
  • wraps() decorates the function;
  • call() runs the wrapped function and returns result.

Here is a slightly fancier example:

>>> from decorum import Decorum

>>> class fancy(Decorum):
...     def init(self, arg=None, *args, **kwargs):
...         super(fancy, self).init(*args, **kwargs)
...         self.arg = arg
...     def wraps(self, f):
...         if self.arg:
...             newf = lambda: self.arg
...         else:
...             newf = lambda: 'wut'
...         return super(fancy, self).wraps(newf)
...     def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
...         result = super(fancy, self).call(*args, **kwargs)
...         return result.upper()

>>> @fancy
... def foo():
...     pass

>>> foo()

>>> @fancy('woof')
... def foo():
...     pass

>>> foo()


You can also use decorum.decorator to turn classes into decorators.

>>> from decorum import decorator

>>> @decorator
... class noop:
...     """Override wraps() or init() as always."""

>>> @noop
... def foo():
...     """Do nothing."""

>>> isinstance(foo, noop)
>>> isinstance(foo, Decorum)

The result is a class that inherits from the original class and Decorum.

By default decorum will try to keep assign certain attributes to the wrapped function for you, namely __doc__ and __name__.

>>> import decorum

>>> class identity(Decorum):
...     """Noop decorator: does nothing!"""

>>> @identity
... def my_function():
...     """My function's docstring."""

>>> print(my_function.__name__)
>>> print(my_function.__doc__)
My function's docstring.

The optional assigned keyword argument can be used to specify which attributes of the original function are assigned directly to the matching attributes on the wrapper function. This defaults to functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS. You can specify False or None to disable this.

>>> @identity(assigned=None)
... def my_function():
...     """My function's docstring."""
>>> print(my_function.__name__)
>>> print(my_function.__doc__)
Noop decorator: does nothing!

Testing decorators

Decorum makes it easy to test custom decorators.

Assert a function has been decorated as expected:

>>> assert isinstance(my_function, Decorum)
>>> assert isinstance(my_function, identity)