
Drop superfluous CSS! A neat PurgeCSS wrappert for Nuxt.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nuxt PurgeCSS - Drop superfluous CSS!

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📖 Release Notes


  • Remove unneeded CSS with ease
  • Webpack or PostCSS mode
  • Already comes with mighty default settings
  • Built on top of purgecss
  • Nuxt 2 (and only Nuxt 2) support
  • Fully tested!


  • Add nuxt-purgecss dependency using yarn or npm to your project
  • Add nuxt-purgecss to modules section of nuxt.config.js:
  modules: [

  purgeCSS: {
   // your settings here



Before diving into the individual attributes, here are the default settings of the module:

  mode: MODES.webpack,
  enabled: ({ isDev, isClient }) => (!isDev && isClient), // or `false` when in dev/debug mode
  paths: [
  styleExtensions: ['.css'],
  whitelist: ['body', 'html', 'nuxt-progress'],
  extractors: [
      extractor: class {
        static extract(content) {
          return content.match(/[A-z0-9-:\\/]+/g)
      extensions: ['html', 'vue', 'js']

This settings should be a good foundation for a variety of projects.

Merging defaults

You can define every option either as function or as static value (primitives, objects, arrays, ...). if you use a function, the default value will be provided as the first argument.

If you don't use a function to define you properties, the module will try to merge them with the default values. This can be handy for paths, whitelist and so on because the defaults are quite sensible. If you don't want to have the defaults include, just use a function.

Properties in-depth


  • Type: String (webpack or postcss)
  • Default: webpack

Defines the mode, PurgeCSS should be used in.

  • Webpack mode can only be used with build.extractCSS: true
  • PostCSS mode can only be used with a build.postcss object (no array) or default settings


  • Type: Boolean or Function (only for webpack mode, will receive the build.extend ctx)
  • Default: ({ isDev, isClient }) => (!isDev && isClient) (only activates in production mode) or false in debug/dev mode

Enables/Disables the module

  • If it evaluates to false, the module won't be activated at all
  • If a function is given, it'll be properly evaluated in webpack mode (in postcss mode it'll be handled as true)

PurgeCSS options

Please read the PurgeCSS docs for information about PurgeCSS-related information.

Instead of content we use paths to specify the paths PurgeCSS should look into (explained here. This applies to both modes, not only to webpack mode.


Default setup

export default {
  modules: [

Override a default value

export default {
  modules: [

  purgeCSS: {
   whitelist: () => ['only-this-class']

Append a value to the defaults

export default {
  modules: [

  purgeCSS: {
   whitelist: ['defaults-and-this-class']

Override a default value

export default {
  modules: [

  purgeCSS: {
   whitelist: (defaultWhitelst) => defaultWhitelst.slice(1)


  • Clone this repository
  • Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  • Start development server using npm run dev


MIT License

Copyright (c) Alexander Lichter