Ideas board

Implementation notes

  • The code is fairly pragmatic as it's a simple app
  • It was only tested in Chrome and no effort was spent on cross browser (using css grid, custom properties, etc)
  • The backend is simulated with randomly delayed promises
  • The UI doesn't make any optimistic updates, but rather waits for each “call” to complete before updating
  • I took a few liberties on the design front to improve user experience:
    • 150 * 150 was too small
    • other treatment for input focus


Consider an idea/memo board where you can create an idea, edit existing ideas and delete old ideas. Each idea should have a unique id (read-only), a creation date (read-only), a title (editable), and a body (editable), which can contain a maximum of 140 characters. Assume that there is a backend REST service with the following endpoints:

  • GET ideas/ -> [{“id”: “:id”, “created_date”: “:created_date”, “title”: “:title”, “body”: “:body”}, {}, ...]
  • GET ideas/new -> { “id”: “:id”, “created_date”: “:created_date” }
  • POST idea/update { “id”: “:id”, “title”: “:title”, “body”: “:body” }
  • POST idea/delete { “id”: “:id” }

Assume that the back-end makes of use of standard HTTP success and error codes.

Required goals

  • Ideas should be displayed as tiles, with a height and width of 150px and a 10px margin, aligned horizontally to fit screen width. You can hard code a few ideas to get you started.
  • There should be a button that can be clicked to add a new blank idea, and the title field should be focused to prompt the user to begin typing. A request should be made to a backend REST service to get an id for the new idea, as well as the created_date.
  • The title and body fields should be editable. These fields should have no border when blurred, but a solid light grey border when they are focused. Blurring any of these fields should trigger an update request to the backend REST service.
  • Each tile should have a delete icon which should only be visible when hovering over the tile. Clicking it should remove the idea and make an update request to the backend REST service.

Stretch goals

  • Implement sorting that changes with a dropdown. The sort options should be title and created_date.
  • Implement a character counter that is displayed when the body field is edited and the remaining character count is <15. Hide the counter when the remaining characters count is >15.
  • Use localStorage to persist the ideas so that they persist after a page refresh.
  • Implement a notification to tell the user that edits have been successfully saved. Ensure the notification isn’t intrusive.