
My data exploration notebooks

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


My data exploration notebooks

2015-12 IP anonymization and its impact on visitor localization in Google Analytics


  • Exploration 1 : What's the impact of IP anonymizing on the user country dimension?
  • Exploration 2 : Exploration 2 : what does it mean locally in Switzerland? (tbc)

2015-11 Enhanced website visitors maps


  • Exploration 1 : Can one have usage maps that are a bit more informative than population maps?
  • Exploration 2 : how does content interest vary throughout the country?
  • Exploration 3: How do visits differ throughout the week?

2015-09 Blog content lifespan


  • Exploration 1: Does our blog contain evergreen content?

2015-07 Weekly traffic variation


  • Exploration 1: What are the busiest hours of the week for my website?
  • Exploration 2: How does this weekly pattern vary across device and content segments?