
A study on dynamic object tracking and clustering using LiDAR technology and data

Primary LanguagePython

Bachelor Semester Project 6

The goal of this project is to implement a Python script that is able to process LiDAR data stored in LAZ/LAS files. The processing includes clustering of the data points and the visualization of those clusters.

The application was designed to process the LAZ files provided by the luxembourgish data platform available here.


  • Decompression of LAZ to LAS files
  • Visualization of the whole LiDAR dataset (or of a specific class of the dataset)
  • Clustering of the data points belonging to a specific class of the dataset
  • Choosing out of different clustering algorithms (DBSCAN, KMeans, OPTICS, Agglomerative Clustering and Gaussian Mixture)
  • Elbow method to choose optimal number of clusters (for KMeans and Agglomerative Clustering)
  • Input of custom values for the most important parameters of the chosen clustering algorithm
  • Visualization of the processed (clustered) dataset
  • Exporting of the processed dataset containing the clustering information in CSV format
  • Importing of a previously exported dataset (CSV file) in order to visualize it


There is only one step that has to be performed before being able to run this application/script:

  • Clone (download) this GitHub project



To run this application on your computer:

  1. Open the terminal
  2. In the terminal, go to the location where the code was cloned (downloaded) (the location of the main.py file)
  3. (If the libraries listed above are not yet installed on your computer, execute the command python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install the libraries for Python 3.6)
  4. Execute the command python3.6 main.py


The following screenshots show some of the windows that open during the usage of the application as well as an example of the command line output of the application.