
This is your passport boilerplate.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Rename the folder to your Project
  3. Delete the .git file, when you are in the root of the file, you can press ls and you should see a .git file, then go ahead and run rm -rf .git

Setup your git repo

  1. Setup your .env file and add all the things you need! (look at mongoose movies for reference!)
  2. in the project root git init
  3. git add . to add all the starter code
  4. git commit -m "setup boilerplate"
  5. go to github and create your github and create a repo (Without a readme or liscense you can add that later!)
  6. copy the remote address
  7. In your terminal add the remote git remote add origin yourGithubRepo'sAddressGoesHere
  8. git pull origin master If a screen pulls up asking you to do something just press :q and then enter (thats vim btw :) )
  9. git push origin master

Setup your login

  1. Setup your database connection string
  2. Then Setup Your User Model,
  3. Follow the steps from the lesson plan to get your Google login credentials for your .env file (create the file if you haven't), or you can just copy the ones from earlier if you want to reuse them.
  4. Setup the Code in your config passport
  5. Setup your callback routes in your routes/index
  6. Setup a view and test your login!

Make a commit

git commit -m "setup up oauth and User Model"