
All things React, from 0-60

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React: Crash Course

A (semi-)interactive presentation on React, Redux, and Sagas.


Expected duration: 1 hour

The goal of the presentation is to give you a mental framework to work with when developing a React application. It leaves out many of the specifics of the technology to focus on why you might choose to go one direction over another.

Try it Yourself

Expected duration: 30 minutes


cd path/to/repo/example
npm install
npm start

Option 1: Create a Blog Post

  1. Replace <HelloWorld /> with an <App /> that will contain all of your following components.
  2. Create a generic <Header />.
  3. Create a generic <Paragraph />.
  4. Create a specialized <Lead Paragraph />.

Option 2: Interact with JSONPlaceholder

  1. Create a component to render the response from JSONPlaceholder.
  2. Setup actions and reducers to request the response and store the response in the store.
  3. Handle success and errors by using Sagas.
