
Otter's iWnt Lib, for when I Want X from Y.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


A small lib to digest JSON or complex JavaScript Objects.


npm install @otter-co/i-wnt


const { iWnt } = require('@otter-co/i-wnt');

let someData = {
    clients: {
            otto: {
                name: "Otto Otterson"
        people: [
            { id: 545, name: "Otto Otterson", age: 55, location: { city: "Redmond" } },
            { id: 546, name: "Olivia Otterson", age: 58, location: { city: "Redmond" } }
    colors: {
        red: { val: "Red" },
        blue: { val: "Blue" },
        green: { val: "Green" }
    shapes: [
        { type: "Rectangle", val: {color: "Red", other: { size: 1 } } },
        { type: "Square", val: { color: "Green", other: { size: 2 } } },
        { type: "Circle", val: { color: "Blue", other: { size: 3 } } }
    'complex\.example': { 'naming\."of"\.things': { "can\.get\.\"tricky\"": "ya?" } }

// Get Single Value
let singleVal = iWnt('clients.persons.otto.name').from(someData);

* "Otto Otterson"

// Get Multiple Values
let multiVal = iWnt({
    Red: 'colors.red.val',
    Blue: 'colors.blue.val',
    Green: 'colors.green.val'

* { Red: 'Red', Blue: 'Blue', Green: 'Green' } 

// A bit more Complex Multiple Values
let complexMultiVal = iWnt({
    // All Elements in People
    Clients_allData: 'clients.people',

    // Grab Client Ages stored under their names
    Clients_AgeByName: {
        path: 'clients.people',
        names: 'name',
        values: 'age'

* { 
*  Clients_allData: [ 
*   { id: 545, name: 'Otto Otterson', age: 55, location: [Object] },
*   { id: 546, name: 'Olivia Otterson', age: 58, location: [Object] } 
* ],
* Clients_AgeByName: { 
*     'Otto Otterson': 55, 
*     'Olivia Otterson': 58 
* }}

// Deep Nested Value Grabbing
let nestedVals = iWnt({
    // Grabs and Stores shape color and size under their type
    Shapes: {
        path: 'shapes',
        names: 'type',
        values: {
            color: 'val.color',
            size: 'val.other.size'

    //Grabs Client Details and Stores by ID
    Clients: {
        path: 'clients.people',
        names: 'id',
        values: {
            name: 'name',
            age: 'age',
            city: 'location.city'

* { 
* Shapes:
* { 
*   Rectangle: { color: 'Red', size: 1 },
*   Square: { color: 'Green', size: 2 },
*   Circle: { color: 'Blue', size: 3 } 
* },
* Clients:
* { 
*   '545': { name: 'Otto Otterson', age: 55, city: 'Redmond' },
*   '546': { name: 'Olivia Otterson', age: 58, city: 'Redmond' } 
* }}